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Financial accounting and inventory management software frequently asked question and Troubleshooting

About Purchase Order Management Software
Software Features
Why DRPU Software?

Software Installation Guide
System Requirements
Installation Steps
How to Run Purchase Order Management Software
Uninstallation Steps
Product Activation Process

Software Version Information
Version Details
Demo and Full Software Version

Getting Started Guide
Create Company Record
User Interface Window

Working with Software Modules
Create New Records
Work with Sales Module
Work with Purchase Module
Work with Explore Module
Search Sales and Purchase Records
Viewing MSI Reports
Managing Software Settings

License and Ordering
Ordering the product
License Agreement

FAQs and Troubleshooting
General Queries
Product Troubleshooting
Trial and Support

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Quick Reference
FAQs and Troubleshooting

General Queries

Q: Why should I use Purchase Order Management Software?

A: Purchase order management tool easily manages sales and purchase order processes by creating company with accounting details, customer records, vendor records and items records. This single user interface utility provides facility to generate various types of sales, purchase and item reports to view the overall business transactions. Easy to use purchase order organizer facilitates with backup and restore feature, and provides security feature so that unauthorized user can not access the records.

Q: How does software manage sales and purchase order processes?

A: Software allows you to manage and organize sales and purchase process in proper manner. With the help of software, you can easily create sales quotation, sales delivery order, sales invoice and sales receipt, and apart from this, you can also create purchase order, purchase delivery order and purchase invoice. Software also provides facility to keep the record of deposit amount (which has been received during sales) and vendor payment amount (which has been paid after purchasing goods or services).


Product Troubleshooting Queries

Q: How can I modify the company records?

A: If you want to modify the company records then select Company Setup option from Settings menu in the software. The Company Details and Accounting Details screen will be displayed and you can modify the records according to your need.

Note-> After creating the company, you cannot modify Documents Numbering details.

Q: Can I create multiple companies while using the software?

A: No, you cannot create multiple companies because software facilitates with only single user interface.

Q: Can I make the software password protected?

A: To enable password protected feature in the software, select Security Options from Settings menu. A screen will be displayed in which you can enter User ID and Password and click on Apply button to make the software password protected.

Q: How can I analyze sales and purchase records?

A: You can easily analyze sales and purchase records by creating sales/purchase order records, sales/purchase delivery order, sales/purchase invoices, sales receipt and vendor payment records.

Q: How can I evaluate total sales, purchase and item transactions records?

A: Software facilitates to generate various types of sales, purchase and item reports to view total transactions of sales, purchase and item records.

Q: Can I export the reports in another format?

A: Software provides facility to export the record in excel format by using button.

Q: Can I backup the data and restore it accordingly?

A: Yes, Software provides facility backing up the records for preventing data loss events and restoring data according to your need. Software also provides facility to overwrite existing records or overwrite selected records as per user need.

Q: How can I set Printing Layout of the records accordingly?

A: You can set printing layout of records by choosing Printing Layout option from Settings menu. You can set Title Alignment and Hide the details which you don’t want to display.

Q: Can I set Date Format according to my need?

A: Software provides facility to set the date of records in various formats like mm/dd/yy, mm-dd-yyyy, yyyy-mm-dd and many more. You can set the date format at the time of company creation and also can modify it according to your need.

Q: I want to modify existing Sales Delivery Order record. What should I do?

A: To modify the record, you need to select Search Sales Records from Search option. A screen will be displayed in which you need to select record type as Delivery Order and respective record number which you want to update. The respective record details will be displayed and can modify the record according to your need.

Q: I have created an invoice for sale order but I want to cancel this record. How can I do it?

A: If you want to cancel an invoice record then use Search option where you need to select the Invoice and respective invoice number. The Invoice details will be displayed and you can cancel the record by using Cancel button.

Q: I want to cancel the pending record. Can I do this?

A: Yes, you can cancel the pending record by using Cancel button. Once the record status is completed, you cannot modify it but you can only view the record. So if you cancel any pending record then the related previous records will be re-opened and you can update the records according to your need.

For Example: If you want to cancel Invoice record for sale which is in Pending status then the related Quotation and Delivery Order record will be re-opened and you can modify the Quotation and Delivery Order records according to your need.

Q: After applying the tax details at the time of company creation, can I modify these details at the time of Sales and Purchase record creation?

A: Yes, you can modify the tax information or include extra tax charges at the time of Sales/Purchase record creation.

Trial and Support

Q: What is the difference between Demo and Full software version?

A: The difference between demo and full software version is:

Demo version of the software facilitates with full software functionality but it is only for 30 days. After expiring the trial period of the software, you need to buy full version to work again with the software.

Q: After expiring the 30 days trial version of the software, I am unable to access the records. What should I do?

A: After completing the trial version, you must need to activate your product copy to access the records. Your data will not be lost after expiring the trial period of the software but only you cannot access the records until you purchase full software version.

Q: How do I get support if there is problem while using the software?

A: Read FAQs section from Software Help Manual carefully and you will definitely get the answers of all your questions. If it is not so, then feel free to contact our support team.

Q: Where should I go for technical support or if I need the assistance with the product?

A: Our expertise and experienced support team will be available for you to solve queries and provide more information related to product. Visit to get more information about the product.

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